Monday 18 July 2016

Cyient ASP.NET MVC Interview questions for Experienced (18th July) Bangalore

1.What are the ActionFilters  available?
2.What is Partial View?
3.What _Layout.html
4.What is Iquerable?
5.How can we delete duplicate records from table?
6.Write a program to print numbers between 1-9999 which ends with 9 and sum of digits is 4?
7.How can you stored user related information in ASP.NET MVC ? Session
8.How you can transfer data between Controller to View?
9.What are the difference between ViewBag and View Data and Tempdata?
10.What are the benefits of MVC over Webforms?
11.What are the ActionsResult types?
12.How you will add text to paragraph using Jquery?
13.How you will display 1 million records in Gridview in MVC? Best approach
14.How can you make action to respond only for other actions?
15.How can you make action to be not available public?
16.What are the Session modes available in WCF?
17.What are the Oops concepts?
18.What is polymorphism?
19.What are different types of contracts available in WCF?
20.What is end point in WCF?

21.Delete duplicate employee names from SQLServer?

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