Monday 27 June 2016

KPIT Interview Questions for 4 year experienced

Guys ,
I am sharing my interview experience.

1.What is difference between Method Hiding and Method overloading?

2.How do you count number of users visited for WebSite?
 Ans) Using Session Start event increase the Application Object Variable every time.

3.What is difference between WCF and WCF Rest?

4.What are the securities mechanisms used in ASP.NET Web Application?
Ans) Windows,Forms and Passport

5.What are the session modes used in ASP.NET and which is preferred in Load balancer situation?
Ans) Use OutProc mode(Sqlserver mode)

6 . Class A
Class B : A

Which statement is correct
Statement1: A a=new B();
Statement2:B b=new A():

Ans) Only statement 1 is correct. 

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